So I had leftover almond mash from making almond milk today and decided I wasn't going to put it in the freezer, I was gonna make some FUDGE with it. This is what I did (to the best of my memory:)

1 cup leftover almond mash from making NUT MILK -OOO! 1 jar artisana cashew butter (so creamy) 1/2 cup cacao powder (maybe more, I wasn't paying attention and was talking to customers) 1/3 bottle coconut nectar 1/3 cup rice protein powder a good dozen or so AFA green powder capsules, emptied into the fudge 1/2 tsp vanilla powder a small pinch of himalayan salt 1 tsp orange oil

Combined everything together by hand. This is absolutely beautiful and soooo YUMMY. I'm flying high right now. In cacao bliss.

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