sweet fundraiser

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I'm posting this for Celia, my friend and a worker bee at Fiddle Heads Cafe. She is doing a fundraiser for her friend, Rebecca. Rebecca is originally from Shelburne, VT and has a really remarkable story that can be seen here: www.rebeccasrecovery.webs.com Celia is making these sweet SWEET beaded creations. Check out a coupla photos here:

Hearts and butterflies and sparkles and beads!!! How could you not want one? Particularly because 100% of the proceeds goes to help Rebecca pay her exorbitant medical bills. Celia is taking orders! Please email her at cj1ceagainATgmail.com. Prices vary depending on size and level of detail. You can choose the style or color scheme. The size is about 18 inches long and look LOVELY in your window. I've got some hanging over the counter here at the cafe. When I look at them, I just love them. They inspire me to sparkle and to love and I LOVE that they are in their small way, helping Rebecca.

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