Sept workshops, photos, fun & an end of summer recipe! Part 1

Hello Fiddle Heads People!

Holy Cacao! Has it really been over a month since I've last written? Well, there's so much to say then, isn't there!

School is back in session, the cafe is bustling with new helper bees. Nut milk bags are still flying off the shelves. We're busy with local food buying clubs, extended local buying clubs, online sales, customers who drop in to try the famous BLTs and smoothies and desserts and Nori Wraps, etc and so forth. It's all good baby! Please come by if you can or check us on the web. We have lots of new products online and in the store, too.

New workshops have been scheduled. I'm doing a cheeze and cracker workshop at the Hunger Mtn Coop.

I've had several inquiries about classes. Please contact me if you'd like to schedule a class. I'm thinking January after the holidays are all over with but if you'd like a class in November, please make sure you make that known to me. Thanks!

I've been having fun making raw ice creams. We carry them in pint sizes here at the cafe. At the moment, we have vanilla, vanilla with choco fudge chunks, cherry vanilla with choco fudge chunks, butter pecan, heavenly chocolate... YUMMMMM...

This week's special at the cafe:
Local Organic Zucchini Pasta with fresh, organic marinara sauce.

I really love this stuff. I grew up with Italian neighbors who's momma knew how to cook like an angel. She made marinara sauce that was out of this world. I love my marinara sauce because it's WAY easier to make and tastes just as delicious. This sauce has fresh local organic tomatoes, garlic & basil in it. YUM! The best part is watching and hearing people eat this. I LOVE when non raw people come in and tell me they are so surprised that the food here tastes so delicious. DOUBLE YAY! That gives me nice warm fuzzies!

What to do with the cukes from the garden...

Cucumber Dill Dressing - makes 2 cups
by Jeremy Safron

* 1 cucumber, thickly sliced
* 1/4 cup chopped fresh dill
* 1 TBSP coconut aminos
* juice of 1/4 lemon
* 1 cup filtered water or cucumber juice (from 2 cukes)

Blend ingredients in the Vitamix. The dressing can be covered and refrigerated for up to 2 days. (So invite peeps over and make a nice salad for them!)

Thank you for your RAWsome time and energy! Please contact me for information or other raw goodies (both bulk and prepared.)

In joy and in health,


Please check out our Facebook page: -  Become a fan and check out photos, events and notes. MM-kay?

P.S. Keep checking back on the shop. Adding products as we speak!
Please contact me if you are interested in getting any of these items.

With everything we sell, items can be picked up or I can mail them to you.

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